It's been nearly 10 years since Be Hers started. Melody sat in a conference and heard stories of children and women who had been stolen and sold to trafficking rings around the world. It was in that moment that she decided she couldn't just sit there and do nothing... enter Be Hers. Since then Be Hers have saved thousands of children, women and men from all around the world.
I know we say this every time, but we are truly so proud to be partnered with Melody and the Be Hers charity. Read on to find out more about their amazing work.

Name of Cause: Be Hers (Charity) & Dream Free By Be Hers (Social Enterprise)
Name and position? Melody Towns, Founding CEO
What is the purpose of your cause? Be Hers exists to empower everyday women to make a stand against slavery, violence and exploitation. We believe that together we can make a difference and that through the simplest of acts we can create a ripple effect that generates change both locally and globally. Slavery happens everywhere. Here in Australia and across the world. It is estimated that close to 48.5 million people are trafficked. Raising awareness is crucial to create pressure for change and to educate and empower people to fight against this injustice.
Through partnerships with anti-trafficking organisations we work to rescue and rehabilitate survivors and we create employment opportunities to empower survivors through our social enterprise, Dream Free.
By offering regular employment in our local Hobart sewing centre and in a partner sewing centre in Cambodia, we are able to help limit the vulnerabilities of many women that make them a target for human traffickers.
How did get involved in this cause? I started Be Hers close to 10 years ago when hearing about human trafficking for the first time. I was a young mum and was horrified hearing stories of young girls who had been exploited and couldn't imagine that happening to my children. I came home and knew I had to do something and share this with other people so that we could stand against it together. Even though we can't do everything we can all do something and as a collective it's far more powerful than what I could ever do on my own. This is where our Be Her Freedom events began and a movement has grown from there organically as people resonated with the cause and wanted to help.

What is your hope for the future of this world? I want my children to grow up in a world where everyone is equal. Where injustice and discrimination and violence and abuse isn't hidden in the shadows because a generation decided to say enough is enough and to work together to place value back on humanity.
One piece of advice you wish you could give to the younger generation? You don't have to be old or experienced or have a degree or be an expert to change the world you. Everything you need is inside you and if you just believe in yourself and not make it all about yourself and just be brave enough to start amazing things can happen.
Where do you hope to see the Be Hers in 10 years? I hope Be Hers is an international organisation that inspires and empowers women (and men) to be a voice for the voiceless. I would love to see events running in many countries educating the next generation and see so many women employed because Dream Free has scaled significantly and is a reputable social enterprise brand that makes a tangible difference. Ha! I like to dream big but why not...
How can people help? There's so many ways people can help. Shop for Freedom on our website, donate to support our anti-trafficking projects on the ground, fundraise through our Be Her Hero Campaign or host and attend an event. We also are always looking for volunteers, if you want to get involved please email or find out more on our website.
What does the partnership with Change mean to you and your organisation? We love the partnership with Change. It's an incredible concept that empowers people to make a difference just by choosing where they stay. Your financial support means that we can continue to see people rescued from slavery and provided with medical care when they arrive in a shelter.