Impact Statement - April - June 2023

Happy Friday crew! The end of financial year can sometimes seem like a drag. Filled with an abundance of boring equations and what seems like an endless amount of boring paperwork for most.

But we are here to take your mind off tax time and instead have some fun with math.

Is there such thing? 100%! Just keep reading...

Did you know....

On average, Change Overnight is supplying 47.77 breakfasts everyday to children at GSAM Orphanage in India.

As well as, 2.5 weeks education gifted around the globe, EVERY SINGLE DAY?! That’s 4.5 years in just three months! Crazy, right?

See, we told you this would be fun. Now let's dive into our remaining stats.

Be Hers
  • Freedom Centres - 20 children assisted through a short-term educational program
  • Victory School of Hope - Sponsorship for 34 children for 4 weeks of education, including school supplies
  • Be Hers - 39 medical consultations for survivors of human trafficking entering an A21 shelter
  • The Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission - 3,400 nutritious breakfasts for children within the orphanage
  • Tasmanian Land Conservancy - Purchase and protected approximately 270m2 of land in Tasmania
  • Act for Kids - 31 therapeutic sessions for a child or family in need
  • JCP Youth - 21 mentor sessions with an at-risk young person within our Launceston community
  • Teach Her - 22 days of college education at a private university for an orphaned young woman
  • Jude's Village - 21 at-risk teen girls placed in a 3 week school program within our local community
School of hope

It is amazing what can be achieved over just a couple of months with the support of our amazing guests.

Thank you again to everyone who has chose to stay at Change Overnight this quarter, your stay truly makes a difference! Thank you for choosing #abetternightssleep

Until next time,

- Your Change Overnight Team

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