Recently we caught up with Jane Rawson from the Tasmanian Land Conservancy. The TLC is a not-for-profit community-based organisation that raises funds to protect irreplaceable sites and rare ecosystems in Tasmania.
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Name of Cause: Tasmanian Land Conservancy
Name and position? Jane Rawson, Marketing & Communications Coordinator
What is the purpose of your cause? The TLC is a for-purpose, apolitical conservation organisation that protects nature on private land.
How did get involved in this cause? I’ve always admired organisations that buy and conserve land to protect species (see below) – I love how practical they are. I moved to Tasmania from Melbourne in 2019, partly because I wanted to be closer to wildlife, so when the position at TLC opened up I applied immediately.
Why is this your passion? I think conservation on private land can really change the lives of non-human animals, giving them a safe place to eat, have children and feel at home. It’s also a great way for humans to contribute in a visible, hopeful way to the future of other species. Caring about wildlife and the environment can often be upsetting and dispiriting, but organisations like the TLC make real change and provide practical solutions.

What is your hope for the future of this world? That we come to value the lives of creatures other than humans; that we recognise humans are part of nature; and that we behave in a kinder, more caring and more evidence-based way towards the rest of the planet.
One piece of advice you wish you could give to the younger generation? I feel like younger people are working so much harder for the future of the planet than my generation (Gen X) did – they are hopeful, organised and energised, and I wish them all the best.
Where do you hope to see TLC in 10 years? Finding new and exciting ways to conserve nature on private land and bringing the rest of Tasmania along with us.
How can people help? Donations large and small help us to buy and protect reserves where plants and animals can flourish – right now we’re fundraising to set up a reserve just south of Hobart, at Tinderbox Hills ( You can also volunteer with us, or find out more about how to protect wildlife on your own property through the Land for Wildlife program. Even subscribing to our newsletter helps – it will keep you up-to-date with the work we’re doing.
You can sign up to TLC's newsletter via their website.
Portrait photo credit: Leah Jing McIntosh