We took the time to interview the face behind one of our causes, Clifton Shipway. Clifton is the Deputy Director of Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission (GSAM) and with every time you stay with us you can contribute 210 nutritious breakfasts to GSAM.
Clifton, thank you so much for your words and incredible work. We absolutely love this quote... 'There is so much more fulfilment in a full heart than a full bank account. Find a life that fills your heart and you will never look back'.
Name of Cause: The Good Shepherd Agricultural Mission
Name and position of respondent? Clifton Shipway, Deputy Director
What is the purpose of your cause? To provide a home to children without one.
How did get involved in this cause? Just after my 18th birthday I decided to leave my home in Tasmania and come out to India and help run this place. That was 15 years ago.
Why is this your passion? I don't know. Why is anything our passion? It just is. In doing what I do I get a sense of fulfilment. A deep joy that I can't really explain. I know it seems cliché to say but I just couldn't imagine being satisfied doing anything else with my life. The relationships I have made here are far more than friendships, the bonds that have developed are deeper and stronger than anything I have ever experienced. I need this place far more than it needs me. This is my family.
What is your hope for the future of this world? Tough question. My biggest hope is that we can all learn to live outside of ourselves. To reach out to those around us, to be a positive impact in as many lives as possible.
One piece of advice you wish you could give to the younger generation? There is so much more fulfilment in a full heart than a full bank account. Find a life that fills your heart and you will never look back.